Sex, Love, & Relationship Coaching

Sex, Love, & Relationship Coaching

Unlock deep self-love and connection in a profoundly safe space, so you can experience healing, expansion, empowerment, abundance, and sexual thriving.

What coaching can assist you with:

Relationship Transformation

Learn how to create empowering communication, advanced techniques for evolving and healing together, & erotic tools that grow your sexual connection & reignite your passion no matter how long you've been together.

Calling in Love & Empowerment

Are you in a cycle of choosing relationships that never work out? Learn to expand into radiant self-love, a natural ability to connect, and create healthy and nourishing relationships. Learn how to reclaim your power, step into celebration and thrive.

Phenomenal Orgasms

We are capable of experiencing a wide range of pleasure and learning to utilise our sexual energy to liberate trauma stored in our body is so empowering and nourishing to our system. Learn holistic sex tools that will superpower your connection to your body and orgasmic nature.

Sexual Dysfunction

Address health issues like erectile dysfunction, loss of sensation, or vulvodynia in holistic ways. Restore to a thriving, vibrant, and connected state of sexual wholeness, confidence, and personal power.

Sexual Trauma

Sexual trauma can completely shut us down. Heal from sexual fear, shame, guilt, and pain, by recreating safety and security inside your body. Learn to rediscover, reconnect and re-empower your sexuality.

Uncoupling & Divorce

Work to heal the family imprinting that led to choosing your partner and clear the residue of the past, to find someone who suits your desires. Heal your heartbreak and recover your sexual identity and excitement.

How I’ll support you to:

Create Transformation:

We will use body based techniques that support the shift of deep patterns held in the subconscious mind and body. Working from a trauma informed perspective we will address transformation on all three parts of our brain.​

  • The primal brain (the oldest part of our brain which is all about keeping us alive and safe)

  • The limbic brain (the emotional brain where our feelings and emotions are stored)

  • The cortical brain (our thinking brain – the largest part of our brain)

Change happens by supporting all parts of our brain to communicate with each other, while also supporting our nervous system to feel safe and secure. 

Rewire Beliefs:

When we experience internal conflict with different parts of ourselves and the different voices in our head we can end up unconsciously working against ourselves. We all want to experience deep love and acceptance and this is entirely possible as we are all wired for love and connection.

BUT due to our childhood conditioning, our primal brain can be telling us a different story about love, sexuality, and relationships. Telling us the story that we are not worthy or good enough, that it's unsafe or shameful, or that it's not available to us. It’s what we learned. It’s the voices we heard around us growing up. It’s what we feel safe with and what we know.​ 

So when we understand what beliefs are driving us we can choose to change these to new self-serving and empowering ones.

Release Blocks:

Together we will explore what has been blocking you and what you want to invite more of into your life through:​

  • The power of breathwork. Breathwork allows us to switch off our thinking brain and switch on our feeling brain. We enter into the realm of the body’s language and wisdom, forming a direct connection with the unconscious parts of ourselves. ​​

  • Tools and practices to feel sensations in your body. As we drop into and listen to what our bodies' sensations are telling us we can transform our relationship with our bodies. We learn how to support the nervous system and build emotional resilience. ​​

  • Tools and practices that support you to discover and integrate different parts of yourself. Inner work includes embracing the old stories and parts of ourselves that are hidden. It also includes uncovering the parts that can empower you to move towards your goals.​​

  • Real and tangible ways to build a loving relationship towards yourself (not just saying it but really feeling it).

  • Practices and meditations that will bring you into connection with your sexual energy, supporting you to release shame, guilt, and fear and create new neural pathways for sexual pleasure.

counselling & Embodiment appointments

One Off 60-minute Appointment $395 AUD - Sessions can take place either in person or over Zoom so wherever you are in the world, we can work together.

Coaching Packages

Sessions can take place either in person or over Zoom so wherever you are in the world, we can work together.

for Individuals

  • 8 x 60 minute 1:1 fortnightly sessions over 16 weeks

  • 1 x 30 minute 1:1 follow up coaching session

  • Powerful audio practices to support you to relax and rewire your subconscious mind, including personally designed practices and/or meditations in between each session that will further build on and support the work we do together in our sessions.

  • Expert guidance from a trained therapist so you are held in a safe space to explore and dive deep into your healing and growth.

  • A container for deep transformation to occur in a non-judgemental and supportive environment. I am here to witness your journey and growth while holding the highest intentions for you and reminding you of what is possible.

  • An integration of behavioural psychology, neuroscience, embodiment coaching and knowledge of the impact of stress, shame, and childhood trauma you won’t find anywhere else.

  • Quality voice notes or text via E-mail or Voxer and accountability in between sessions to make sure you are getting the most out of your journey.


1 x Full Payment $2,888 AUD


5 x Monthly Payments of $595 AUD

for Couples

  • 8 x 90 minute 1:1 fortnightly sessions over 16 weeks

  • 1 x 30 minute 1:1 follow up coaching session

  • Powerful audio practices to support you to relax and rewire your subconscious mind, including personally designed practices and/or meditations in between each session that will further build on and support the work we do together in our sessions.

  • Expert guidance from a trained therapist so you are held in a safe space to explore and dive deep into your healing and growth.

  • A container for deep transformation to occur in a non-judgemental and supportive environment. I am here to witness your journey and growth while holding the highest intentions for you and reminding you of what is possible.

  • An integration of behavioural psychology, neuroscience, embodiment coaching and knowledge of the impact of stress, shame, and childhood trauma you won’t find anywhere else.

  • Quality voice notes or text via E-mail or Voxer and accountability in between sessions to make sure you are getting the most out of your journey.


1 x Full Payment $3,388 AUD


5 x Monthly Payments of $695

Success Stories

Not quite sure, but know this is the space you want to be in…

For those who have a specific area you desire to deep dive into, curriculum based coaching packages are available.

Sessions can take place either in person or over Zoom so wherever you are in the world, we can work together.

My Commitment to you…

I believe that we can all live the life of our dreams and it’s so much easier than we think. When we understand the subconscious beliefs that drive us we then have the ability to choose to transform the stories, language and actions we do daily. If you’re ready to upgrade your life and create more intimate, passionate, and connected relationships, then I’m here to help you.

My programs are centered around the mind/body connection and how when we tap into the unconscious mind we can easily and effortlessly transform ourselves for life. I teach you how to work with negative emotions instead of collapsing into them, liberate yourself from the downward spiral, and build on what’s already innately in you (your unique gifts).

My style is person-centred, trauma-informed, and founded on over 10 years of studying the mind, body, and energies in myself, my family, and my clients. What makes me unique is I work holistically, and understand everything is connected. I work with the individual or couple and tailor each session, especially for your unique situation. I listen with an open heart, ask questions, and support you to step into your highest self.

Our time together will include Zoom calls, weekly assignments, transformation recordings, practical tools, and so much more. I guarantee that all of my programs are powerfully effective and will change your life.

Back to Love

In this 6 month couples program I’m going to teach you tools to connect, communicate, and heal deeply. So you bring back the love you felt when you first met but with better love, intimacy, and sex than ever before.

Lasting Love

A 4 month program where you clear your old blueprint of attracting the wrong partners and up-level into radiant self-love. While also learning how to reclaim your power while dating and manifest aligned love into your life.

What Each Program Includes













What My Amazing Clients Have To Say